Saturday, 26 February 2011

...keep up this blog

It's been a while since I last posted but the past month has thrown more than its fair share of challenges my way. On the one hand being busy has prevented me from dwelling on the issues involved but the flip side is that the things I enjoy doing have taken a back seat.

Earlier this month Seth Godin posted 'You don't need more time ... you just need to decide' and whilst I agree with this as a premise I'm not convinced of its translation into practice. How do you decide between the responsibilities of family life, work and your own interests? I could of course choose not to take my daughter to the numerous after school activities on offer reminding her that 'we didn't have all this in our day and we did just fine', but for most of us, this is the very reason why we want our children to have the opportunity to embrace them.

When it comes to work perhaps I need to be more disciplined in when I check emails, how much I undertake in my own time and follow a more structured GTD style approach to organising projects. As a freelancer though, as I've said before in an earlier post, the fear that next month may hold a dry spell makes this a difficult one to do, not the organisation bit - that's a no brainer; but the concept of limiting how much work is done in a day. Most of the work I undertake I actually really enjoy doing so my frustration is this: by the time I've done all that's required of me for work and home (which includes being the primary carer and housekeeper) there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to sit in my chair, finish the books I have on the go and listen to the numerous new albums I've downloaded.

And there my argument stumbles because deep down I know this is all an excuse. I waste as much time as  the next person browsing through favourite websites including blogs, twitter and facebook so my solution is this. I'm going to expand my GTD to limit the time I indulge in the technosphere and increase the time I have for more traditional activities.

It seems after all that Seth is right; I don't need more time...I just need to decide.

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